Hello i wanted to know that for example if it says 2-4 sets 2-8 reps, you have to do the more reps you can and then go the next set and so on till you can't do a single one ? or how is it supposted to be done ?
I mean and after you complete the more reps and sets you can then you go for the next exercise and so on... Am i right ??
well thats how i do it:
if it says 2-4 sets and 2-8 reps, i do 2-8 reps each set until i cant do the minimal 2. so, if i could only do 1 rep in set 6, i would finnish after that.
2-4 sets is the minimum-maximum number of sets that you have to do to move on to the next exercise. Same with reps, 2-8 reps is the minimum-maximum number of reps that you have to do to move on to the next set. You fail a level if you can't do minimum sets and reps. I hope I could help!
Thanks, i already know which are the minimum-maximum sets reps, what i dont really know is how to realise when i cant/shouldnt do no more, and that i should go to the next exercise. Hope you understand what im trying to say.
Thanks you!
Yeah, I know what you mean. Well, the only reason you should stop is if you can't physically do the exercise any more(you've reached failure) or if it's starts to hurt. Other than that, move on when you've done max sets. If you have any other question, feel free to ask.