If i am a beginner, do i have to comply the grams of each macros exactly?
For example:if i have to eat 60 grams of carbs for breakfast and in 100 grams of oatmeal i already have 66 grams, what do i have to do?(and i wanna eat an apple, which is also rich in carbs)
Is it good for me, or not?
Is it okay, if i add the surplus to another meal?
Hey will,
i am not sure if i understand your questions right but there is nothing wrong with eating more than 60g carbs at your breakfast. in the end of the day you just have to make sure that you reach your carb amount. if you reach it by eating for example 100g +120g+ 100g + 80g or 200g+80g+60g+60g makes in my eyes no difference
Yup, great answer by Joker, the total macro at the end of the day is what matters.
Thank you Gligor.So is it not necessary to follow strictly the guide?
Hey Joker,thanks for the quick responding.
I mean, if my schedule looks like this:
My daily intake of macros it's divied by 5 meals. Is it strict to comply the exact amount of macros in each meal?
Thanks again my man!
If you're close to the total amount, it's fine. You don't have to get the exact amount of macros in total either, if it's close it's fine, you know +-, like if you need to get 360g carbs and you get 340-380g, that's not a big deal. Some days you will end up eating less sometimes more, it's a natural thing that happens, not even top bodybuilders have that strict of a diet where if it's 300g carbs there's no +-.. That's why Chris said "Don't be too hysterical/strict about nutrition & working out", no one is perfect and you will still get great results if you're a little bit off. Salute! :)
Thank you Gligor!
I really wanna begin my journey, it took me 2 months to be ready mentally :))
Next week i'll start :)
Yeah it takes a long time to get ready mentally. I was depressed & anxious so it took me a very long time, I was already started but I was making a lot of excuses and I got injured so it had another negative impact mentally (and physically obviously lol). But here I am with a strong mindset, doesn't matter how long it takes you bro! Salute!
Hey will,
gligor already told you everything you have to know! Great that you want to start! Looking forward to hear from your workout days :-)
You can essentially eat as much as you want, especially if we're talking carbs, but you have to eat the right foods, just keep fats moderate