Hey everybody,
I wanted to start a new thread for my journey that I always can see my goal and progress and also share it with you :)
I've always been underweight -> 1,76 m and 49 kg.
Half a year ago I switched to a 100 % plant based diet. A lot of people thought I would be insane but for me it worked out perfectly -> more energy, less sleepy etc.
Now I decided to start working out.
I began last week on Tuesday with level 1 -> completed it.
2 Days later with level 2 in a fitness studio because its freezing here in Germany ;) -> completed it.
2 Days later level 3 -> couldn't complete it because I couldn't do the 7 seconds hold push ups.
2 Days later (this Monday) level 1 again -> completed it, but it was more exhausting this time because I pushed myself harder.
I just came back from my level 2 -> completed it.
What I realized after my workout on this Monday ->
Back pain and neck pain -> I think I did the crunches wrong, thats why I decided to use my hands to give my neck a rest with the side crunches today.
Today and on Monday I realized that I think I've done the push ups and Australian pull ups a bit wrong
-> With the push ups: It gets very difficult for me when I bring my elbows closer to my upper body.
On Monday I did most of them on my knees, and know I'm wondering if I should continue to level 3
or maybe spend some more time with level 1 to strengthen myself.
What do you think ?
-> With the australian pull ups, the same thing, the closer I bring my elbows to my upper body while pulling myself up the harder it gets and I can't do max sets.
I'm a little bit confused with that program right now. I will continue and I'm super duper happy that I found it, because I really want to do a good change to my body.
Have the best day ever !
(P.s. my next text will be shorter ;D )