Hey !
I'm working a lot on the nutrition program these days. What I need from you is to write some questions you have about nutrition in general, like things you want answered in the workout guide, because apart from everything I will teach in the guide, I will also make a kind of Q&A where I answer all these questions. Thanks for your help! Please post your questions below!
- C
Do you keep track of calories, fats, carbs, etc?
How many fats, carbs, and calories do you consume?
Do you ever eat "healthy" snacks like whole grain triscuits, wheat thins, etc
Do you eat the same throughout the whole year?
Is eating carbs at night bad for you?
Thanks! So excited for the nutrition program!
A lot of people may be struggling with eating enough throughout that day. A good question could be, "How do I eat more efficiently?" And, "What can I do to bring up my apatite?"
So as we all know to get clearly visible abs it is all depends on (70%nutrition and 30% workout) so Q.1 "what are the best food and grains for building clearly visible abs"
Q.2 "for body type ectomorph what is the best food for building muscle"
1. Question: how important is protein (casein) before sleep for example greek yoghurt.
2. Question: Do you drink coke zero or in general zero products sometimes?
Thanks for all your input guys !
Question: How do you make {name of food}
Ex. how do you make chicken
What food should endomorph's eat to become toned, but big at the same time?
Do you have any kind of cheat days or cheat meals?
Question: if you have a late nightt workout (8:30 - 10:30) is it ok to eat a full after workout meal if youre going to sleep around 11:00?
How much oats do you eat in the morning? :) (grams)
My most important question would be. Do you keep track of your calories intake? and how to do it properly?
Question: What are you pre-workout or after-workout meal?
What do you think about gluten?