⬆️All Bonus Videos⬆️
I made this category for all the bonus videos i have uploaded to give you an overview of what I have released in date sorted order.
10 Days of Dinner! (part 1)
8 Days of Lunch
Hope this will help you! Let me know if you want more of these videos!
Split routine: Tricep push ups! + Explanation!
Video is a bit old, thats why I'm still in a bar brothers hoodie haha. Forgot to upload it!
You all seem to have been a bit confused about these split routines. Here is my answer! -
My Pre-Workout smoothie recipe!
Hope this will help you!
Vacation - Training, Nutrition and Couples Workout!
Hope you like the video!
A "not that unhealthy" lunch!
How to make the breakfast of champions
Breakfast before workout example
What is perfect form?
Grip Strength
Split routine: Chest #1 - Beginners
Music Credits: https://soundcloud.com/elysianrecords
Motivational monday #3
How to go from regular to strict muscle ups
Motivational Monday #2
Front lever tutorial
Split routine: Legs #2 - Beginners
Music Credits: https://soundcloud.com/elysianrecords
Motivational monday #1
Hope you like this kind of video too!
Vlog 2 - Funny comments montage!
Hope you like this video!
Top 20 best push ups! (YouTube sneak peak)
Hope you like watching the video before everyone else! It's not 100% so small changes will be made when its released at youtube next sunday. SALUTE
Tutorial: Back Clap push ups!
How this will help! SALUTE. What other tutorials do you want to see?
Best way to learn exercises!
Did you know this concept can be used in almost all exercises?
How to optimize your life!
Not always getting the 8-9 hours of sleep as I should.. But it's as good as it can possibly be, while still doing school and working out. Hope you can learn something from this !
The importance of wrist flexibility!
Wrist flexibility is very important for avoiding injuries, and also becoming stronger in exercises because of less resistance. Watch and learn! ;)
Music credits: https://soundcloud.com/elysianrecords
Resistance Bands: Cool ways to use them!